Vermiculture technology worm farming for profit

Choose the placeinorder to avoid any sort of inconvenience due to the odour caused by the worms, decide a location which will not cause such unfavourable situations. A fisherman might become a worm farmer to simply raise worms for fishing bait, but the more likely motivation these days, would be to convert organic waste directly into compost, using a process known as vermiculture or vermicomposting to make a rich organic fertilizer for the garden or for pot plants. Growing worms for profit worm farming can be excellent homebased business. They are often used in vermiculture systems systems that use worms to digest organic. Oacc manual of onfarm vermicomposting and vermiculture page i. Our full size earthworms, worm castings and worm cocoons. How the unco commercial worm farming system is different from the old bed systems. Youll learn how to choose a worm farm kit or worm bin, how to build a.

After training, i started with five kilos of red worms, which i bought at ksh. At one point in the past, worm farming was more of a hobby than a career. Making a worm farm profitable is no different that any. Starting a worm farming business at home for profit. Starting a worm farming business for profit market research and feasibility demographics and psychographics the demographic and psychographic composition of those who need worms cuts across the government, the private sector, households, communities. Initially, tom chapman, who is the current ceo, and his original partner had set out raising redworms in wooden beds for bait in an old dairy barn. Few opportunities arise in life that offer the possibility of teaching, learning, giving back, being environmentally friendly all the while earning an income in the process like worm farming. Worm farming profitable business plan sample expert market.

He stumbled upon this unique farming technique of using red worms to. Vermiculture at home business plan choose the place inorder to avoid any sort of inconvenience due to the odour caused by the worms, decide a location which will not cause such unfavourable situations. Learn how to start a worm farm in 4 steps with our interactive video selection, set up, feeding and trouble shooting. Once an established worm farmer, you might want to expand your vermicomposting operation into a full scale home industry, in order to profit from all your efforts. Business startup worm farming vermiculture nightcrawlers. Vermiculture is the cultivation of earthworms, especially in order to use them to. With the growing technology and innovations in the stream of agriculture. Growing redworms is a full time, profitable business for many folks. Worm farming is unlikely to make you very rich, but with a little entrepreneurial vision and some aptitude for marketing, vermiculture can definitely save you money and could also provide a useful steady income for you. Technology see appendix a, references in december, 2004. I attended a course on red worm farming at jomo kenyatta university of agriculture and technology jkuat where i upped my knowledge in rearing earthworms. Pdf manual of onfarm vermicomposting and vermiculture. Cross sectional diagram of our three bin composter why start a worm farm.

What different sized worm farms and prospective growers will need along with the various equipment for larger commercial worm farms. Introduction to worm farming working worms vermiculture. Worm or vermiculture is a useful technique for recycling kitchen and livestock wastes into. Vermiculture process, techniques, worm farming agri farming. In this article you will learn about how to start worm farming and what are the profit margin in this business. Vermiculture is a process which allows the farmer or the person who is growing to create the compost which is rich in organic matter. The man who had gotten chapman and his partner started in worm farming, was producing redworms himself at the time. Our 7 color packaging used to market the worm castings. This makes vermiculture and vermicomposting an important practice for the farmer to consider. How to raise earthworms for easy money toughnickel.

The unco system buy in bulk buy our 100% worm castings in large quantities to fertilize stadiums, farms, properties, etc. How to start a worm farm for fun or profit dengarden. Indepth and simpletofollow earthworm farming guide. Here is the complete guide for vermiculture process, worm farming and techniques of worm farming. With a little imagination, profit can be derived either directly or indirectly from the worm farming operation itself. Different types of worms are used for the process of vermiculture such as earthworms, white worms, etc. Earthworms by their nature and activities contribute some immense benefits like enhancement of soil structure, nutrients increase, better drainage and more. Making money with worms this is not a typical worm farming howto. With a renewed environmental focus that has spread globally, worm farming is gaining popularity as well as a foothold in the world of legitimate business endeavors. Worm farming for a profit interested in starting your own business. Money from farming worms working worms vermiculture.